KBR Ep 23: Angela Henderson on What No-one Told You About Online Business

Never miss an episode! Subscribe and listen on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify. Lisa has a chat with her good friend and straight-talker, Angela Henderson. Angela has a hugely successful background in business and shares with you today her foundational business principles to help you move to the next level. From the value of community and…

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KBR Ep 22: What Do You Do With An Idea?

Lisa discovered the New York Times bestselling book that every entrepreneur needs to read – but few are likely to hear about. So in today’s episode, she shares with you this beautiful book by Kobi Yamada titled ‘What Do You Do With An Idea?’ (illustrated by Mae Besom). We dare you not to feel this…

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KBR Ep 20: Five Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Never miss an episode! Subscribe and listen on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify When all the fun things are ticked off your list and you’re left with writing that sales page or getting that stuff to the bookkeeper, do you find yourself suddenly keen to clean the fridge? If you get stuck in a black hole of procrastination sometimes, this…

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KBR Ep 18: Christie’s Launch Didn’t Fail

Never miss an episode! Subscribe and listen on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify Lisa chats to Christie MacSween from Embraced Motherhood after Christie’s recent Melt Into Motherhood membership launch ‘failed’. Lisa and Christie talk through the details of the launch and Lisa provides loads of guidance and insight into what could be improved. Lisa also lets Christie in on a…

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KBR Ep 17: How to Survive an Online Product Launch

Never miss an episode! Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify Online product launches can be all the hairy, scary feels! You’ve put your heart, money and tears into this thing and now it’s time to sell it. Eeeeep! Join Lisa as she shares the lessons she’s learnt from her own launches and gives you her best tips to get…

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KBR Ep 16: Get Obsessed With This…

Never miss an episode! Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify Today’s episode is short, sharp and all about the one fundamental that every online business owner needs to be across. Are your conversions disappointing you? Do you feel icky about selling? This episode will point you in the right direction to overcome those hurdles and increase your impact on…

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KBR Ep 15: From Idea to Product – The Essential Steps

Never miss an episode! Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify You’re an ideas lady, right? And you’re probably itching to turn those amazing ideas into wonderful new products?! Well, hold up just long enough to listen to this episode and you could save yourself a stack of time, money and heartache. Lisa steps you through…

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KBR Ep 14: Home Truths on Business and Motherhood

Never miss an episode! Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify Today, Lisa draws on her experience starting a successful business from home with three small children. She shares some inescapable home truths, as well as the benefits of working with and around your kids. If you’re pulled between motherhood and entrepreneurship on the daily, Lisa…

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KBR Ep 13: What Are You Making it Mean?

Never miss an episode! Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify Today’s episode may be the ultimate mindset hack. It could change the way you come at life and business. Nothing has any meaning, except the meaning you give it…. Lisa drops this big idea and then provides practical examples to help you make some sense…

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