Ep 57: Find your voice and sharing your story with Emily Tamayo Maher
Karly brings us an inspiring chat with her author coach, Emily Tamayo Maher. Emily is the creator of The Meaning Method, a program she uses to help aspiring authors turn their personal life story into the books they were meant to write. This chat is simultaneously grounded in the practical and wonderfully woo-woo. Today, on…
Read MoreEp 55: How Karly became a No.1 podcaster and you can too
Karly and Lisa take a deep dive into podcasting. Karly shares her path to becoming the creator of two number one podcasts on iTunes. They bust through the common barriers people create in their minds, provide guidance on what is needed to get started and share their experiences of using podcasting to create deep relationships.…
Read MoreEp 54: How Lisa built her online business with video
Lisa and Karly discuss their knowledge and experiences around getting on camera. Lisa shares her beginnings in community tv and how video has served her in business. Karly breaks down some common barriers by sharing her early on-screen efforts, depressed and running on the beach. Today Lisa and Karly talk showing up on video: the…
Read MoreEp 53: Being Seen and Heard
Lisa and Karly talk all things visibility. This deep dive covers big ground; from being vulnerable, to what people are looking for in their social media feeds, to the language of sharing, to the many ways different in which you can show up and speak up. Today Lisa and Karly explore, with their customary…
Read MoreEp 50: Why Consistency and Great Content Still Matter – the evolution of blogging and socials
Lisa recently found herself in the back of a car with two other well known ‘wellness bloggers’ and it prompted her to look back at her journey from blogger, with a thermomix and some decent recipes, to building the Small Step empire that it is today. Today Karly and Lisa jam on what it takes…
Read MoreEp 49: The Path of Least Resistance
Karly has recently returned from Hay House Writers Workshop and has made the big decision to self-publish her first book (which she’s been writing for around 2 years) as an audio-only book. She’s back, and recording the book already… because she’s decided to follow a path of least resistance. Show Notes 2:10 – When Karly…
Read MoreEp 46: The People Pleaser and the Low Bar
Off the back of a call for Keeping Video Real with Samantha Nolan-Smith (who featured on episode no.9), Lisa asks the question Sam offered the KVR peeps a few poignant questions:- What is our interpretation of how our parents saw us? – How did our friends see us? – What did we take that to…
Read MoreEp 44: How do you set goals when it feels so blergh?
This weeks episode Karly and Lisa wax lyrical on their surprise around goal setting. Both Lias and Karly have felt deep resistance around setting long-term business goals. Concerned that having a goal will stifle creativity, Lisa discusses how her 90-day plan has bought more structure to her business. While her 10-year vision feels like a…
Read MoreEp 43: Doing business YOUR way – even if it makes zero sense
In today’s episode, Karly and Lisa talk about their recent new offerings and how different approaches, can bring amazing results. Karly and Lisa have just both launched new products into the online market and have launched in very different ways. Karly has taken her no f**ks given approach and built her offer as an artwork…
Read MoreEp 40: Almost midyear celebration!
Karly and Lisa reflect on and celebrate the past 6 months. Taking time to stop and ponder how 2018 has progressed thus far and how much they have each achieved. Lisa looks at her business wins, where she has honoured her decisions to focus on what makes her feel good and how that has had…
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