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Oprah was a champion of using ‘I am’ to shift her state of being. Most of us are completely unaware of the power of those two words at shaping our identity AND how they can be used to spark massive change.
Tell yourself you’re disorganised? You’ll be disorganised.
Tell yourself you are organised (even though you have proof to the contrary) then you’ll most likely start searching for ways to be more organised.
Think you’re fooling yourself? Well, so much about our identity has been created from random data we’ve picked up through our lives – why not get conscious to who we want to be instead of operating by default.
This tiny training will encourage you to try!
If you feel lost and like you have no idea who you are or what you want anymore, then grab Lisa’s introductory program – Back to You. Available now.
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Hi, it’s Lisa Corduff. Welcome to the podcast where you can expect inspiring, raw, energising, and transformative conversations with people on the path of personal evolution. I’m here to really live my life, and if you are too, these conversations are just for you. I’m really glad you’re here. Enjoy. I’ve been delivering coaching, trainings, lessons, webinars, you name it, for over seven years online. And today on the podcast, you’re listening to what we’re calling a tiny training, taken from inside the vault, here at LCHQ, and we hope you enjoy it.
Okay. As you guys know, I am all about choosing, recognising that we have choice about how we want to feel, how we want to be, moment to moment. But there’s these two words and I’m pretty sure it’s in one of Oprah’s books, and she was a big fan of doing this. But I actually wanted to focus us all on using these two important words as much as we can this week and seeing how it goes for you. And those words, as you know, are: I am. When we decide to be someone different to who we are, which is totally also possible because we’re only the way we are and acting the way we are because of stories that we’ve told ourselves about who we are.
So we can actually tell ourselves really amazing stories about who we want to be. And then when we anchor it with the words, “I am”, everything feels present and possible. So, “I am calm.” He’s like, “Oh yeah, I am calm. I can be calm, right.” “I am organised”, is one I say to myself all the time when I’m not feeling particularly organised, but I want to be. I’m like, “Today, I’m really organised”, and I’m suddenly anchored in it. And I am doing the organised things.
I wonder what you would like to put the words I am in front of, and how that might change your reality in an instant. It’s really, really amazing what is possible when we start labelling ourselves things that actually serve us in. And so, you can see, I’m so disorganised. I would just keep doing disorganised things. I keep living up to whatever I say I am, whatever I identify as.
So how about we shift it this week? We just have a little play with the words, “I am”, and we can see the stories that will probably come up about, “I am organised.” But you’re not really because if you were, you wouldn’t have to be saying this, and you’re actually this and you’re actually that. No, don’t listen to that little monkey chatter in your mind, just ground yourself in an, “I am.” I would love to hear what you choose to be and how you feel this little… Well, it is a mindset hack, how it impacts you day-to-day, because we’re choosing way more than we realise who we are being moment to moment. So who do you want to be? How do you want to be? “I am”, fill in the blank. Let me know. I would love to hear from you.
Hey, thanks for listening to that episode. I definitely hope you enjoyed it. Now I wanted to let you know that we have a bunch of free stuff available for you at the website. You can go to lisacorduff.com and check out my free stuff section and download something juicy to help you with your transformation. You can also go to our programmes page where I have made available some never sold before workshops and a bunch of short courses to help you with things like creating extra time in your week, moving through your overwhelm, getting on top of your tech habits and getting unstuck. I’m here to help and you’ve got brand new ways for me to do that beyond this podcast. Go to lisacorduff.com and check it out.
Hey! I'm Lisa

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