KBR Ep 18: Christie’s Launch Didn’t Fail
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Lisa chats to Christie MacSween from Embraced Motherhood after Christie’s recent Melt Into Motherhood membership launch ‘failed’. Lisa and Christie talk through the details of the launch and Lisa provides loads of guidance and insight into what could be improved. Lisa also lets Christie in on a couple of things – she didn’t actually launch, and the sales from her non-launch were bang on the average.
If you’re about to launch your awesome new thing or you’re interested in starting a membership, this episode will help you avoid some of the common mistakes that are so easy to make.
Show Notes:
0:34 How Christie’s launch came to Lisa’s attention.
2:49 Christie shares a little about her recently launched Melt Into Motherhood membership and how they went about the launch. Lisa dives straight into some marketing nuggets.
9:05 Lisa does a little digging into Christie’s launch strategy so as to better measure the outcome. She also discusses some of the specific challenges of selling a membership.
14:24 Lisa suggests the a great way to test the waters of a membership and shares what she would do if she were starting her membership site again.
17:58 Lisa critiques Christie’s sales page, extolls the copywriter and talks secret sauce (aka unique mechanism).
25:39 A hot (and free) resource for anyone putting together a sales page.
26:37 Lisa shares the magic of “so that” with Christie.
31:44 Something on Christie’s sales page evokes a definite no(!) from Lisa.
32:41 Lisa stresses the need for a timeline, end date and lead up to an event – oh and, a bit of coin for ads.
41:03 Is there such thing as showing up too much?
43:00 What you need to be shouting from the rooftops during a launch.
45:56 Why Christie’s launch was successful and getting down with de-personalising the launch process.
46:40 A marketing truth bomb from Lisa.
Connect with Christie on Facebook, Instagram or website
Connect with Lisa Corduff on Facebook and Instagram (@kbr_with_lisa)
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