Welcome to the summer series of the Conversations with Lisa Podcast. Join me each week for simple, actionable things that you can do over the summer break to reboot and reactivate yourself after what was 2021.
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It’s time to choose your Word of the Year!
Listen in as Lisa encourages you to use this powerful exercise instead of setting goals.
You can use your Word of the Year to help you make decisions and choose a new way of being in 2022.
For Lisa, it acts as a signpost. And her word for next year is not super sexy but it’s going to lead her into a much higher frequency and level of happiness and peace.
There’s a big list of potential ‘words’ in your Workbook. Choose one and let it lead you towards more of what you want in this brand new year.
Low on energy and can’t figure out why? Get instant access to Lisa’s FREE Energy Workbook and get to the bottom of what is draining you so you can experience abundant energy in 2022.
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Welcome to the summer series of the Conversations with Lisa podcast. I am going to be bringing you really simple, actionable things that you can do over this summer break for us in the Southern Hemisphere, for you guys, your winter break to reboot and reactivate yourself after what was 2021. These simple exercises will help you get focused on you, what you want, what matters to you and ways in which we can start moving towards that. I am not sure about you, but there’s things I want to get done in 2022. And I know that me releasing what was creating some space and getting intentional around what I want is going to make all the difference. So enjoy these episodes, make sure to record everything in your workbook and let’s bring on a new year.
Oh, here we are. It’s the next step in our summer series to ah, reboot and reactivate. Don’t we need this? I certainly hope that our little journey together has been helpful to you. I hope you’re still resting. That was a non-negotiable, remember? Oh, we need that. And today is a really, really simple exercise and it’s one that I do every year. Before I set goals, I mean, I don’t even know if I really do set goals anymore. Definitely I have ideas of what I want and I set intentions for myself, but a big, huge guiding part of me setting myself up for a year is always choosing my word. And if you’ve been around here for a while, you will have heard many words over the years, many words and this year it’s pretty much the unsexiest word I have ever thought about, but it feels really right.
It feels really right. And hey, in your workbook there’s a whole list of words that you can choose from and what I do with choosing word, it’s not a Lisa idea, it’s something loads of people do this now that this is the sign post for me for the year. Like, am I getting closer to embodying this particular word? How do I want to feel this year more than any other way?
What’s kind of like the domino that if that was vibing and if I was in that zone that so many other things would fall into place? What do I want more than anything else from 2022? What am I being is sorely missing from my life, this word for a really long time. And in 2021 in particular, the effects of not having this in my life really started to have big glaring impacts. And I want to bring my full attention to this word in 2022. I want to set up my days in a way that invites more of this in. I want to be more disciplined with myself, to be honest, in 2022, so that I can cultivate this word. And that word is clarity. In 2022, I am seeking and being clarity.
I think for a long time I’ve allowed myself to feel muddy, confused, the wool was… Well, the carpet pulled out from underneath me it felt like in my life and I’ve needed it all to settle and I’ve had to be okay, especially in this business with not being 100% clear with what is the big vision here? I know what I like doing. I know I can help. I know that there’s million different ways in which I can do that, but which one is going to be the focus in 2022? What do I actually really want to contribute with my little family, my children? I need to make some big decisions about life and living arrangements. And I’m calling on a sense of clarity around this that it’s okay to make decisions. It’s okay for those decisions to not feel like be 100% sure, but just setting myself up so that most amount of clarity that can come through. This means huge amounts of clear space which have been missing.
And that’s not even like… That’s to do with a definite in the amount of time I spent online in 2021. It just sort of ended up getting a little bit bananas and it clutters my head, like it’s not good for clarity. The more we read, the more we’re exposed to, the more scrolling, even just watching things that we even find super interesting taking me away from my own core, my own clarity, my own knowing. So how am I going to cultivate clarity? How can I wake up and literally the first few things that I do inspire clarity in my day? Am I setting myself up for the week in a way that will allow for some of that clear space? What am I saying yes to? What do I need to say no to? What support do I need for myself to get clear?
I feel like I’ve put up with a fuzzy brain for a long time. So it will also be leading me down a path of just even cleaning up aspects of my, like what I eat. Hmm, today did that cheese and crackers little antipasto plate that you put together for lunch lead to a sense of clear headedness for the afternoon? What might have worked instead? Oh, might try that tomorrow. Cool. Let’s do that.
See how choosing a word can inform all sorts of things. I feel excited about increased clarity. The peacefulness, the purposefulness, the simplified communication about what we are doing with my team, being a better leader. This word is really inspired by my team and my kids and so ultimately for myself. So I would love you to sit down and think about a word that could help you move forward in a direction that feels really good for you next year. It might be as unsexy as the word clarity. What do you want more of? And if I’m saying next year, I actually mean this year. I am recording this in December, not in real time, because it’s okay to rest. What is it that you want? Choose a word.
Allow it to guide you. Allow it to sit there and be the thing you remind yourself of each day. When it comes to making decisions, is it taking you further towards or further away from your word? When you’re hanging out with people, is this cultivating your word, what you’ve decided matters for you? And this is really the reactivation, the reminder that you get a choice here, that every single day, you get to move closer to what you want by really simple, simple steps that you can take and that you deserve that. You deserve your own loving attention. You deserve to sit down and have a real think and reflect on this. What makes you feel activated?
You could choose relax as your word for 2022 because you want a full year of recovery for what you’ve been through. Does that light you up? If it does, go forth. You might be like, hmm, relax. No, I don’t feel activated by that at all. I don’t feel activated by clarity. My word for 2022 is breakthrough. Because you want to move past all the things that have been sitting there that you felt have been holding you back and you want this to be a momentous year. For all of the women who are here and who are in business, I mean, I use the word momentum, intentional momentum last year to really reactivate me. And we will be running momentum again because that, to me, that word is activating. And for anyone, whether you’re in business or whether you are not, do you need a little bit of momentum after the stagnancy of the last few years? How can you cultivate that every single day? What might feel like movement to you even if you can’t go very far, but let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.
I love that. We get a choice around this stuff. How lucky are we? So have a look at the words, sit with yourself. What do you feel a little glow inside about? Which word stands out? Which word is speaking to you, asking for you? And then you get to choose how you show up for that word in your life. What might that bring in? Does that excite you? You get to choose. This isn’t about pushing you back into the world and having you feel stressed out. This is a beautiful, gentle invitation to create whatever the fuck you want. Right. So go ahead and do that. Share your word, share it on socials. I would love to see what you choose. I hope you are feeling more restful. I mean, no doubt you’re crazy inspired by my word clarity. I mean, it is not something I ever thought of would’ve been my word for the year, but wow. That what’s going to be driving me in 2022 and I am feeling great about it. I’ll see you very soon. Bye for now.
I’m not too sure about you, but for me, my energy is everything. I can be a better mom, a better friend, a better partner, a better sister, a better CEO when my energy is high. And there’s so many reasons why us women have normalised feeling really tired and depleted. When I start to feel like this, there’s 10 things that I start to ask myself. I’ve put them together in a free downloadable for you so that you can get on top of your energy for 2022. We don’t have to feel tired all the time, it’s actually not normal to feel that way. I know that 2021 took it out of so many of us. So I want you to know that you can go right ahead and click on the link in the show notes and get taken to my 10 questions that I ask myself, and I encourage you to ask yourself if your energy is low. Let’s get vibing higher in 2022. Check out the link now.
Hey, if you are enjoying the conversation, then it would mean the world to me if you head over to iTunes and give us a rating and review, it really makes a difference. It’s my intention to get as many of us involved in real conversations that really change the game as possible. Thanks so much for your help. I’ll see you in the next episode.
Hey! I'm Lisa

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