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CwL Ep20: Why Women Play Small – A Conversation with Denise Duffield-Thomas

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It was back in 2013 when I first discovered Denise Duffield-Thomas. Back then, I had absolutely no purpose and I didn’t really know what I was doing and I stumbled upon Lucky Bitch (Denise’s original brand). I absolutely loved it. I thought, this woman has it got it together. I promptly devoured everything she’s done since then and I am so excited to have her as a guest on the podcast this week. 

In this episode we talk about how Denise became one of the most successful business women in the country by using and teaching her techniques around mindset and money. From a newlywed in London, hating her job and feeling down in the dumps about life, she made a massive change by tweaking her thought patterns. 

It all started with her winning a travel competition and everything took off from there. She got luckier and luckier (using her mindset techniques) and everything just kept falling into place. 

So what is the episode REALLY about? 

Key takeaways

  • The importance of positive thinking and how it truly has an effect on what you get out of life. 
  • How having children can be the fast track to personal development rather than a life stopper as most people assume – Denise’s mantra is babies bring abundance! 
  • The importance of boundary setting in your work. 
  • How more success doesn’t necessarily mean more work – in fact it’s usually the opposite. 
  • Getting over money blocks like earning more than your partner or being too afraid to hustle. 
  • Getting over the mentality that you have to work yourself into the ground in order to earn the type of money you want – it doesn’t have to be like that! 
  • Getting over the fear of charging for your services and charging what you’re worth. 

If you’re looking to change your life, mix up your career or do something huge with your life, this is the episode for you. 

About Denise
Denise is…the money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs want to make money and change the world. She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class Lives.  

Her booksLucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneneur give a fresh and funny roadmap to living a life of abundance without burnout. Her Money Bootcamp has helped over 6,000 students.

She’s a lazy introvert, a Hay House author and an unbusy mother of 3. She owns a rose farm and lives by the beach in sunny Australia.

Connect with Lisa on Facebook and Instagram
Connect with Denise on her website, Facebook and Instagram

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