Hi there! I'm Lisa
I’m here to help you upgrade your mindset, get unstuck, and change the stuff that’s not working in your life..
Hands up if you think that life should be more than just ticking off a to-do list, endless loads of laundry, and feeling overwhelmed all the time...
Yeah, me too. Whatever it is that’s not working for you, if you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I’m so sick of feeling this way”, then you’re in the right place.
You’ll find mindset hacks and techniques here that make changing your life a cinch — even if you’ve felt stuck for ages or are prone to self-sabotage (Spoiler alert: that was me too!)
Whether you know exactly what you want for yourself or you just know it’s “not this”, you’ll find stacks of tools and inspiration below to help you reimagine womanhood, free up mental bandwidth, and create a life that turns you on.
Let’s get started...
About me
“I’m so sick of feeling this way!”
^^ That was me, for the longest time...
The hats I wore — mum, wife, business owner — had taken over, and I felt like I’d lost the essence of me. I spent years (decades?!) being stretched too thin, helping everyone except myself, and feeling permanently exhausted... can you relate?!
For me, everything changed when I learned that our brains are wired to keep us repeating patterns over and over.
Because you know what? You can hack that! You can actually make it work in your favour (not against you).
And the stunning thing is, once you learn how, it’s easy to do. Change becomes so freaking achievable that you can reimagine your life however you want… then go out and create it. (Like, now. No more waiting, no more self sabotage, no more putting yourself dead last on the priorities list.)
These days, everything about my life is completely different, both from the outside (I’m now solo-parenting my three little people after the death of my husband) and on the inside.
It was thrilling to discover that if you want something in your life, there’s a set of tools and techniques that will help you make it happen. It means you can reimagine and recreate womanhood in the *exact* way that lights you up. That’s what I’ve done. (And trust me, if I can do it, anyone can do it.)
If that idea excites you too, come listen to the podcast (keep scrolling for episodes), check out my free workshop, or say hello on social media… I’m so glad you’re here.

Conversations with Lisa
Hello, awakening woman. This podcast is for you - the woman seeking more than Insta-perfect images and surface-level living. Ever wondered why you repeat patterns, don't speak up and hate on yourself? Feel like you're a melting pot of potential trapped in a hamster wheel life? Then join the conversation. Lisa Corduff, leading Australian transformational coach, leads women back into their personal power with conversations that connect in a way few others can. It's time for a new conversation.

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