Back To You
This proven, easy-to-follow program will help you step out of overwhelm, figure out what you want, and finally feel like yourself again.
Lady, have you ever said to yourself:
“I can’t keep on living this way.”
But you’ve been thinking that for months. Make that years. And everything still feels out of control —
- You’re still trying to juggle everything (and killing yourself in the process)
- You still barely get any time to yourself (and if you DO get time, you don’t know what to do with it)
- You still feel weighed down by your mental load and your to-do list, neither of which seem to get any smaller no matter how hard you try
- And you still don’t know how to make any of it better. Heck, you don’t even know what you want anymore. The only thing you DO know is that it’s not this.
To make matters worse, you’ve TRIED to change things in the past…
… and it hasn’t worked.
In fact, it left you feeling more hopeless and helpless than when you started. Maybe you even started losing faith in yourself. (#alltheguilt #allthetears #allthechocolate)
But what if it didn’t have to be so hard?
What if there was a way to break the cycle — an approach that was grounded in ease, not ‘blunt forcing’ your way through things?
What if life could really, truly feel different?
Back To You
Back To You is an online program for women who want to finally step out of overwhelm and stop feeling like they’re always *this close* to breaking point.
Over 8 life-changing modules, it gives you a loving and realistic roadmap out of survival mode and back to YOU and the life you actually WANT — even if you don’t know what that is right now.
"I got the tools I needed."
Back To You helped me to clarify and simplify all the things that seemed to cause that overwhelm feeling, so that when they crop up you have the tools to help ground you again. Loved it! My favourite part is now I know ANYTHING is possible when broken down into tiny tiny steps, each one is a step forward 🙂
- Julie H
It comes down
to three things:
This program was created by a busy woman (me!) for busy women — so it takes into account the very real pressures and loads that women face (rather than ignoring them).
It was designed to be *the thing* that would have helped me out of my overwhelm when I was at my worst. (And I mean, when I was ugly-crying on the kitchen floor while my children ate cereal out of the box.)
So nothing is out of reach, everything is supremely doable, and everything works. (Halle-freaking-lujah.)
It approaches the problem in a holistic way. And when I say ‘holistic’, I mean it in its truest sense — we address the many (MANY) factors keeping women trapped in overwhelm. Because spoiler alert: it’s not just one thing keeping you stuck! (And yet that’s how so many books, programs, and podcasts frame it?!)
Lady, you contain multitudes. So let’s not pretend otherwise!
"I gained confidence and reconnected with myself… amazing!"
The "Back to You" program helped me in many ways, but mostly, it helped me connect with myself again, so I could see things from a different perspective and gain more confidence in my life. Thank you very much, Lisa, it was amazing!!
- Tatiana
Here’s the simple but genius approach we use to jump you out of overwhelm:
These steps combined bring you
Back To You that you can shift out of survival mode, finally feel like yourself again, and get back to really living.
(VALUED AT $299)
Each module is centred on a different habit, and is designed to be as flexible and easy-to-action as possible.
YOU get to choose how you consume the material: read, watch or listen — or do all three! You can even do the whole course on your phone, if that makes life easier.
There’s also a worksheet for each module, to trigger insights and help you cement what you uncover.
Bonus #1
(VALUE $49)
The space you live in impacts your mood and mindset, so lets make sure your environment is setting you up to thrive — and not accidentally contributing to your overwhelm.
In this mini eBook, you’ll get my 10 best decluttering tools for massive impact minus the stress. (And no, I’m not going to make you decide whether your kid’s doona cover “sparks joy”!)
Bonus #2
(VALUE $97)
To create a life that fulfills you, you need to get outrageously clear on what’s important to you.
This bonus module will help you unearth your core values (even if you don’t have a clue right now what they are), so that you can use them as the framework for your fulfillment.
Bonus #3
Are you worried about how much time you spend on your phone? Do you spend hours half-heartedly scrolling, feeling guilty but unable to stop? Not sure how to model healthy digital habits for your kids?
This powerful 60-minute video workshop will help you reclaim your brainspace and create a new relationship with technology on YOUR terms.
Bonus #4
(VALUE $47)
Enjoying the changes you’re feeling, and want to dive deeper?
Here’s a roadmap of books and resources to accelerate your journey and take it to the next level. (This is the stuff that’s on my bedside table, that I come back to again and again, and that’s made SUCH a huge difference to my life.)
All for just $97
"I'm so glad I put my money on the table and invested in me"
I'm so glad I fought my resistance, put my money on the table and invested in me - this course was well worth it!! I am looking forward to taking my worksheets to a cafe & revisiting this again & again when overwhelm rears its head. I'm excited about what is now possible. Also wanted to thank you for being authentic. It's so refreshing to learn from someone who is real & honest — it's mainly why I decided to do Back To You — so many good vibes! Loved it! It's also made me realise that it's totally possible to steal an hour every Thursday night all for my freaking self!! Hahaha
- Lavania
Get Instant Access
- 8 modules
- 4 bonuses
- Lifetime access
- 30 day guarantee
- Total value $621
Get Back To You and...
Get a usable plan to get your stress and overwhelm under control — even if (scratch that, ESPECIALLY if!) you’ve tried loads of things before and nothing has worked.
Here’s a taster of what we cover in the modules:
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to say ‘yes’ to this program… and ‘yes’ to you.
That’s why we offer our ‘Back To You’ 30-Day Guarantee.
Join now, give the program a shot, and if — by the end of the 30 days — you haven’t seen meaningful changes in how you deal with overwhelm, and gotten that relieved feeling of “Oh, THERE’S the real me!”… we’ll give you your money back. All of it.
We’ll even eat any processing fees.
Simply send an email — along with your completed worksheets for Modules 1 and 2, so that we know you gave it a go — to my admin extraordinaire, Amy at, and she’ll process your refund straight away.
You might be wondering, who the heck am I to talk about this stuff?!
Hey! I’m Lisa Corduff
— biz owner, solo mum of three, and dry shampoo addict (ha!).
My journey “back to me” began with me sitting on my dirty kitchen floor… crying.
The kids (who were 4 and under at the time) were climbing the walls, and I couldn’t stop sobbing.
The house was a mess, I was exhausted, and everything felt too much.
It was a moment of desperation that had been building for months (years?) because I had no space. No time for me. I was drowning.
In that moment, I knew something had to change. That I was going to have to create that change for myself.
And that I was going to have to do it in a totally new way. (Because everything I’d tried so far had failed miserably!)
I decided to start by drawing on my years of leadership training, and of devouring self-development books and programs. I took advice from my mentors and had many conversations about life and what really mattered.
I also tuned into the stuff that I knew to be true... The stuff that was staring me in the face. … And even the stuff I was avoiding because it felt too hard and raw.
I pulled all of that together, and started taking small steps. One at a time, as I felt able.
I created simple exercises for myself that centred me and completely reframed how I was DOING life.
Those small shifts created big change.
And slowly but surely, I found myself.
But to be clear: it wasn’t a return to who I was before kids...
It was more than that… it was BETTER than that.
Somehow, I’d drawn forth the best parts of who I’d been pre-babies, and added into the mix everything I’d gained and learned along the way.
It wasn’t someone perfect and shiny.
All of me.
It was then that I realised something that made me cry —
I’d spent the past few years (decades?) thinking it was NORMAL to be at breaking point all the time.
That it was just “the price you had to pay” for being a modern woman in the modern world. That I somehow deserved it (or at the very least, that I definitely didn’t deserve any better)...
… umm, WTF?!
Now, though, I had my spark back. I felt like I was back in control. It was an incredible, powerful feeling. One that I’d almost forgotten. (Maybe one I’d never truly known before?) It was the feeling of being in the driver’s seat of my own life...
And I was finally steering.
If you’ve ever found yourself wishing for that same change, this program was created for you.
"I'd just had my second baby when I joined, and was really stressed…"
I had just had my second baby, my husband was working away a lot and we both run our own small business. I was becoming very stressed, overwhelmed and sometimes angry at my family. Small Steps Back to You came around at the perfect time for me and for us as a family, my husband also completed some of the exercises with me. It helped us to see what our values are, what we wanted in life and how we could make small changes to achieve it. After completing the course I feel more calm and focused. I'm enjoying being a mummy and stressing way less about things. Thank you Lisa and Team this course has really helped me get back to what matters.
- Tamara
To be back in the driver’s seat of your own life? To wake up each morning and actually look forward to the day ahead?
Get Instant Access
- 8 modules
- 4 bonuses
- Lifetime access
- 30 day guarantee
- Total value $621
Hear from women who’ve gone through the program…
"I'm finally learning how to say no."
"Back To You has changed and is still changing my life… My negative talk is definitely less, I have slowed life down, I am saying no more and only Hell Yeses, we are busily planning our "this one life" Canada trip and my word of the year "content" is front of mind. So I am loving myself more than ever before and still on that journey. I still lose my shit a bit too often but definitely improving. Life is very good."
"I truly feel like I am closer to being my happiest self."
"Thank you so much for this exercise... I truly feel like I am stepping closer and closer to being my happiest self."
"I wish there was a 'I just had a revelation' emoji!"
"I wish there was a 'I just had a revelation' emoji....I do all the things for all the people all the time. I know I don't prioritise myself but that all changes now......"
"I got the tools I needed."
"Back To You helped me to clarify and simplify all the things that seemed to cause that overwhelm feeling, so that when they crop up you have the tools to help ground you again. Loved it! My favourite part is now I know ANYTHING is possible when broken down into tiny tiny steps, each one is a step forward :)"
Julie H
To recap, when you join Back To You, you get access to...
- 8 Life-Changing Modules (including videos, audios, transcripts and worksheets), designed to help you make small yet profound shifts in your life. (Value: $299)
- BONUS #1 — eBook: Your 10-Day Guided Declutter — Get my best decluttering tools to create massive impact in your physical spaces, minus the stress (Value $49)
- BONUS #2 — Extra Module: Reveal Your Values — Unearth your core values, so that you can use them as the framework for your fulfillment. (Value $97)
- BONUS #3 — Workshop: Replace Online Time With Me Time Create a new relationship with technology and stop letting your phone control your life. (Value $129)
- BONUS #4 — Lisa’s Must-Have Resources — Get the GOLD from my favourite books, doco’s and more… without having to do the hard work yourself! (Value $47)
That’s a total value of $621.
And remember, you get lifetime access to all the modules, materials and bonuses (#winning).
All for just $97
Get Instant Access
- 8 modules
- 4 bonuses
- Lifetime access
- 30 day guarantee
- Total value $621
Knowing I'm protected by a full, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
There’s one particular fear that a lot of our members have before they join...
“I’ve tried to make changes in my life before, and nothing has ever stuck... Why would this be any different?”
If you’re feeling that way too... Lady, I get it. I really do.
I know what it feels like to lose faith in yourself… To have lost hope…. To feel like you have no agency in your own life.
And I know how much that feeling sucks.
So many of us, in the past, have attempted to create change in our lives by aiming for the moon. Or by drawing big, huge scary lines in the sand that feel so AWESOME at the time... but that in reality, are completely unsustainable, and are setting us up for failure.
Then, when we inevitably falter (because we’re HUMAN), we feel like absolute shit… worthless, powerless, and weak. And we start to believe that it’s because of who we are that we can’t climb out of the hole we find ourselves in.
This issue gets me so fired up, because I see it in so many women (and I was there myself not that long ago).
The truth is —
and if you take one thing away from this whole page, let it be this: YOU are not the problem.
I promise.
You’re not.
The problem is that we don’t know how our own brains work.
And that we’ve never been taught how to rewire our habits and beliefs.
And that society has told us, as women, that we need to be “perfect”, or else why bother?
And that we’ve had it ingrained in us to see setbacks as ‘failures’ instead of stepping stones.
And that many of us don’t even know how to be nice to ourselves...
There are a million more factors I could share with you, but I know you don’t have all day. So let me just say: If you’re *this* close to giving up on yourself, and constantly feel like you’re only ever one step away from complete meltdown, please — please — trust yourself.
Hold fast to the idea — the sliver of possibility — that things can be different… and open the door for yourself to come join us.
Not only will you get the tools you need to feel better each day, we’ll show you how to follow through on your promises to yourself. To reclaim your sense of agency. To get out of your stuck-ness. To re-label yourself from someone who’s “always overwhelmed” to someone who’s “thriving” in a life they’ve created on their own terms.
A life you actually enjoy isn’t something reserved for “other people”.
It’s entirely doable for you, and the material in Back to You will show you exactly how.
You have to take the first step, though… I can’t help you with that bit.