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The first leg of an only partially planned five-month overseas adventure.

My three kids and I had *actually* landed in a foreign country … with backpacks on … without a clue of the language … to tick off my son’s ‘bucket list place’ at the ripe old age of 12!

We were there because a tiny seed of a thought early in 2023 about this being the perfect year for a big trip had turned into a consuming thought.


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I shared it with friends (who encouraged it!)

And then shared with my family (who didn’t approve!)

And suddenly I was ‘sussing out’ the price of plane tickets to see if it was a possibility.

And when I thought it might be I spoke to the kids to get their take (trepidatious but keen)

And after seeing a travel agent I was sent a flight itinerary that filled me with so much excitement that every inch of me (except my head, which kept reminding me of all the reasons why this was a terrible idea) screamed YES.

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And so, four weeks later - we were off! First stop Japan!

I did it. We were away.

I could never have imagined at that first destination the moments that were waiting for me over the coming months. Every single place contained a gift.

I was ripe for it. I was so ready to be thrown about by it all, shocked by things, disoriented and lost and awed and tired and delighted and turned back on.

It worked.

Join me as I share the Moments from a trip that healed, raised and recalibrated me from the inside out.

How it works:

Ten short stories will be delivered straight to your inbox. Listen to on audio or read the words.

These stories will never be shared on social media. They take you deeper into the personal shifts and insights I had whilst travelling the world.

Journaling prompts will accompany the stories so that you can work alongside me to find, understand and celebrate your own Moments. I know they are there.

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I just wanted to let you know how much the Paris Moment resonated with me. So much hope....You write so beautifully. Thank you Lisa. If part of your purpose is to touch others and lead them to acceptance and beyond, you nailed it. Thank you x

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A quick but heartfelt thanks for your message of 'do more of what you can't help but do'. 

I am so excited to commit to more of what I can't help but do and see what happens .

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Thank you so much for sharing these moments!I am listening intently and with interest to see what they bring up for me. Again, Thanks for Sharing! Cant' wait until next weeks slip into my inbox.

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Thanks for moments. today Reading the Paris prompt Has brought tears to my eyes realising that I have many past parts of me that I pine for and miss. All this that I didn’t realise where there. Xx

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Just on moments!! I am Enjoying so much. Thank you for your gift! I forget which one… plane ticket? the need to find my purpose floored me! F$&k that was one hell of a light bulb moment for me… thank you I really needed to hear that!

Special Opportunity:

Earlier this year I wrote and performed a story called Harvest to live audiences around Australia.

We recorded the Brisbane event and the recording is now available.

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Lisa Corduff has invented a new genre of story-telling”

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I’m in awe of Lisa’s story and her ability to write a compelling story”.

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I’m still percolating on so much she shared”

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With an open heart, fierce strength, and vulnerability, she opened a vein and invited us into her world”.

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Sharing her truth, being raw and inspiring us all to find the Harvest amongst our hardships”


Moments: $35

Moments + Harvest

Moments + Harvest: $60

Upon purchase get instant access to Harvest.

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All 10 Moments delivered instantly to your inbox.

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