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When it feels hard and tiresome and unrewarding to post content online and you’re not getting the outcome you desire from your efforts, it’s time to change things up.

No point continuing the ‘same old’, right? But it’s hard to know what to do.

Everyone has an opinion.

You have no time.

Is this really even necessary!? (LOL - yes)



… how to do things in a way that feels good (and connects?)

… How to create genuine engagement with your content - whether that be social posts, articles, emails, webinars?

… How to bravely say what you really want to say?

… How to share what you know without preaching or teaching?

… How to be unique in a sea of sameness?

Never fear - it’s far simpler than you think.

I’m going to share a few home truths as someone who has been creating content online since 2012 in an effort to sell online programs and memberships.

Home truths


Absolutely no one cares about your stuff. Unless you give them a reason to care. (And there’s a simple way to do this)


Social media ‘trends’ evolve and change but good content transcends it all.


Telling stories is what humans are wired for. We love reading them, telling them - they are everywhere and yet - strangely missing from a lot of the content we see online.


It’s likely that your story is the most powerful marketing asset your business has. And you might not even be aware of it, let alone using it!


Genuine connection is created when HUMANS interact openly and honestly and this can be done online without having to air all your dirty laundry, fake cry or dance. (Even though some of my most popular posts have involved images of literal laundry!)


You may have forgotten that HUMANS are watching and reading and they want to interact with the HUMAN you . It’s essential to find ways to do this.

Know this:

I’ve seen many ‘trends’ come and go. But one thing has never changed…

The unparalleled ability for a good story to be recognised as ‘good content’ and therefore engaged with and shared widely.

People are online to connect (if you think it’s vacuous and horrible - then it’s time to be the change you want to see - because I promise people are there and waiting for you - the real you)



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LC - Lisa Corduff Rebrand 2023-20

I reckon...

The simplest way to hold attention, create a care-factor and be memorable is to tell great stories, whether you’re marketing yourself in real life networking situations, on someone else’s podcast or your own social channels.

The simplest way to hold attention, create a care-factor and be memorable is to tell great stories, whether you’re marketing yourself in real life networking situations, on someone else’s podcast or your own social channels.

Your audience wants to (NEEDS TO!) know who you are so that they can feel comfort and trust and excitement around what you offer.

Think about it - we all seek out practitioners, schools, hairdressers, therapists that FEEL good to us. There’s stacks we can choose from, but we need to test them ourselves to make sure they are the right ‘fit’.

Think about it - we all seek out practitioners, schools, hairdressers, therapists that FEEL good to us. There’s stacks we can choose from, but we need to test them ourselves to make sure they are the right ‘fit’.

That’s also our job online. And in 2024, more than ever, it really matters that your audience feels connected to you.

Don’t worry though, this doesn’t mean you have to share that your fave Uncle is going into hospital for an operation or that you spent the weekend unable to get anywhere because you forgot to replace the battery in your car key and it died.

Share what matters to you. Share stories that build connection.

And just watch what happens.

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“Can’t I just be a business owner and not worry about this stuff?”

“I’m too busy serving clients, I don’t have time for socials.”

“I have tried so many things and nothing gets traction, it’s not worth it.”

“Can’t I just be a business owner and not worry about this stuff?”

“I’m too busy serving clients, I don’t have time for socials.”

“I have tried so many things and nothing gets traction, it’s not worth it.”

Listen, I truly get it. And I don’t have a magical solution to all your woes - jeepers I don’t use key words or hashtags and my bio certainly isn’t optimised (it’s on the to-do list…!)

But I do know how to tell a story that hits right to the heart of my amazing community, builds loyalty and genuine connection and creates engagement and trust. 


Whether it lands and gets all the views I think it deserves - that’s in the hands of the Randomness Gods. Literally no one out there is creating home runs with every post. 

That’s not what’s important. (And there’s different success metrics on different posts depending on if it’s top, middle or bottom of funnel content anyway.)


What’s important is that we get to show up in a way we feel proud of and is in integrity and it’s growing a community of potential customers. 

And if you want to create a big impact - knowing how to tell stories is absolutely going to help.

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Let’s loosen the shackles a little…

Let’s be playful.

Let’s be creative.

Let’s be people who inspire change, who make people FEEL something, who are bravely being seen and know how to write or speak content that matters. 


There’s no silver bullet here. ‘The algorithm’ will constantly change. Platforms will evolve, so will the type of content people want to consume.



But there is one universal, undeniable truth about online content:

If the content sucks (to your audience), it won’t get seen. No matter what or where, good content is good content. 


If what you’re doing isn’t getting the reach you want, then change things up. 

Be less serious with it, if you’re very serious. Go a little more pro if you’re feeling amateur. 


Post a meme just to freak yourself out. Or a picture of your cat. 

Honestly - as long as a story accompanies it - you might be surprised what happens! 

Social media is designed for sociability. Stop just TELLING. 


Start engaging - with stories.

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A question:

Are you ready for showing up online to feel easier and more impactful in 2024? 




Then join me for four weeks to deep dive into the art of storytelling and apply it straight away to different areas of your business in the next Live Round of:

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As a cadet journalist I was asked one question over and over and over.

I’d bring a piece of news to my Producer and he’d respond with…

“What’s the story, Lisa?”

I’d be forced to find the human element to what was happening. I was forced to get creative and find a reason for people to care.

Because they don’t.

The world is saturated with information.

Why the heck would anyone care about anything, actually?

Learn how to get people reading, watching and engaging with your content.

I promise it’s easier than you think.

How it works.

In this Live and Interactive Program we gather twice per week. Once to learn, once to review your stories. You create as we go with simple weekly homework tasks. You get brave amongst a community of people looking to uplevel their marketing, take a few risks and find their voice.

Lesson one

In our first lesson we get the foundations in order. And it’s all about CONNECTION! When you see your marketing in a human-to-human frame everything feels so much easier.


We cover:

Why Story? Why now? Honestly, understand this because tides are shifting and I want you on the front foot.

Human Connection Fundamentals. This is a reminder, really. I mean, we all know the fundamentals, but you’ll receive explicit story examples you can use straight away in your business that cover ten core elements of connection. You’ll love it! So practical.

The three essential elements to becoming a brilliant, natural storyteller. Once you know them, you practice them and it becomes who you are. Your ability to create amazing content just got a million times easier! 

The main blocks you’ll face when it comes to writing and sharing stories (your story in particular). It would be ridiculous to assume that sharing boldly and bravely online is anything other than uncomfortable in the beginning. There’s very good reasons for your discomfort so we highlight the main blocks and exactly what to do to move through them.

Lesson two

Humans are wired for story and yet, sometimes we need reminders of what they are and what they are not! This week you get clear on what makes a great story and get writing.



We cover:

The difference between Events and stories because simply sharing that something has happened or is happening is NOT a story!

The difference between Content and stories - not every piece of content SHOULD be a story.

Two simple and ever-lastingly repeatable Story Frameworks (one of which I created for myself and have used successfully for years)

Story Essentials that are so obvious we usually miss them - but utilise them and watch your impact grow.

Lesson three

Humans are wired for story and yet, sometimes we need reminders of what they are and what they are not! This week you get clear on what makes a great story and get writing.



We cover:

Your story is likely the most valuable tool in your marketing toolkit and without doubt you are under-utilising it.

In order to build trust and connection you need to be clear about who you are. And not in a boring ‘content pillars’ way.

This week we scratch below the surface of YOU to find the story. The real one.

This lesson is unlike all the others and has to be experienced to be believed. The process you are taken through of uncovering your true story might not just change the course of your business, it might change your life.

Lesson Four

Now that you have been flexing your story-telling muscle it’s time to put them to work in your business. And also, set yourself for ongoing story success.



We cover:


Where and how to infuse stories to radically improve your emails, Webinars/Presentations, Social Media, Opt-ins, Podcast episodes, your Website, Ads, Sales Pages, Sales Calls.


The importance of building a story-telling habit (and how to do it!) so that what you’ve learned in the program becomes second-nature.

Here’s what I know:

If you’re still here reading then you are looking for a solution to your marketing woes.

In this growing age of AI infused content (goodness - can’t you pick it a mile away!) in order to create genuine connection you have to know yourself, show up as yourself and tell a good story.

There’s nothing wrong with using AI as a tool but it will NEVER replace authentic connection.

It can’t be you.

And it’s never been more important to market like a human. This will set you apart.

Get your creative juices flowing, feel excited about showing up, remove inhibitions, get playful and exploratory, share purposefully and create genuine connection.

Join me in

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Next Live Round begins:  May

Here’s what partipants say:

“I have never considered myself a writer. In fact I love using pictures and videos and music on instagram and avoided any kind of writing. However, through doing this course, I have found a new love of writing and am taking more risks with my writing.” Jane


“A massive breakthrough in reconnecting with a lost love of writing and added confidence to show up for authentic connection. The realisation that I have the keys within me already and it doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be real, and done is better than perfect because confidence and craft will grow through use. Not to overthink it or take it all way too seriously.” Elke


“I loved the stories! ha ha! Seriously though! That and the structure of how you took us through the learning content. I could tell that you designed it really well to create good learning outcomes. Thank you Lisa for it all! :)” Esther


“It was cathartic writing 'I am'. I saw myself differently and acknowledged parts I hadn't previously.  I actually enjoyed exploring the creative side of writing, even though there is room for much improvement.  I have only written formally so been much unlearning. In that way, it has felt liberating to experiment and explore.” Juan


“I loved that the people in the group felt safe to share their experiences, hence made me braver to share mine. My confidence in my writing has really grown. Online business is very up and down. I have days when I want to throw the towel in but then I have a WTS call and I feel motivated and hopeful again. Lisa you are very encouraging and feel passionate about what you do. I think this helps with the group as a whole. It makes me want to stay connected and do more.” Jane


“I absolutely loved listening to Lisa read the stories each Friday, which had us as a group feeling like we were getting to know each other” Debra


““I loved hearing the stories from other participants, seeing the different styles and techniques, and how vulnerable everyone was.” Kym


“I loved the very real and authentic nature of Lisa's connection with us all, I felt supported and encouraged, and her teaching was very relatable.” Elke


This course is ran in such a personal manner that that you feel seen and valued. Lisa speaks to you which not only has you grasping the information easier, but it also has you looking forward to each and every session.
I loved the course so much, I feel sad that it's over.
The skills and knowledge I learned will not only help me in connecting through my business, but will also help me in guiding my daughter through her schooling and her structure of telling stories. Corinne


Join the waitlist for the next round Starting in MAy

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