With me, Lisa!

See you at the water cooler to discuss the hottest topics for women in business right now (pitch-free)

Select the chats you’d like to attend below. I’ll jam for twenty minutes starting at midday (12pm AEST) and answer questions for ten. Then we get back to our day! (A perfect lunch break)


About Lisa Corduff

Hey! I'M Lisa

I’ve been creating content and building communities online since 2012.

I’ve seen many ‘trends’ come and go, algorithm changes galore and sold every single kind of digital product. 

And it’s been one skill, cultivated as a cadet journalist, that has allowed me to build genuine connections, a loyal community and impact and sales beyond my wildest dreams. 

I love passing on my knowledge of storytelling to budding and seasoned business owners so that they can create the impact they desire. 

As a widow, and sole parent to my three young kids, I’m all about radically simplifying life and work so that we get time for what matters. I won’t ever waste your precious time!