Regain your spark and light up a new year (yep, it’s time) with five never-taught before tools that helped me move from “WTH is happening” to “I’ve got this!”
Lady, if you are anything like MOST of the women I’ve been chatting to… 2022 might have left you feeling:
Maybe you’re stuck in a bit of a rut? Your ‘spark’ is not as ‘sparkly’ as you’d like it to be? And even though some aspects of your life are back on track… you’re not showing up as fully as you know you could. And you’re ready to change that.
The noise in your head is just.not.letting.up and you’re tired of it. It’s ruining your ability to think creatively about life and move forward with decisions that serve you. And you’re ready to change that.
But no words are coming out. Or if they do come out, they are awkward, or mis-timed, or angrier than intended. There’s things on your heart, on your mind, there’s things to call out, call in, and you don’t know how. And you’re ready to change that.
And you’re ready to shift into a higher gear in 2023 and need some help to put a pep back in that step! (I’m here to help you change that).

A simple technique to circumnavigate the junk in your head
I’ve been doing this work a LONG time and honestly, it blew my mind - and rendered a lot of the other tools I’ve used VOID - when I learnt this technique.
A practice for saying the things that need to be said
Are you a natural peace-keeper? Me too! I’ve been aware for a while now that this means I don’t have conversations that need to be had. Until it’s too late. This practice changed all that. (Thank goodness!)
A way of embracing what is, without getting stuck in it
The answer to this was so damn obvious. Our body holds clues. Let me point you in a direction that allows more flow in your life. Liberating.
A process for loving yourself, even in the mess.
My goodness… I thought I had this one down pat. I thought I embraced lowering my standards when I needed to and allowing myself to be seen in my imperfections. But it turned out I was missing a crucial element. Following this simple process changed everything.
A way to plan that takes you further, faster.
And this is from the ‘small steps’ lady! This jaw-dropping concept will completely reframe where you are setting the bar - and freaking RAISE IT - and then make the steps you need to take so crazy clear.

Let's do this thing

How it works
Live catchup
First we gather together Live on zoom and I share five powerful (never-taught before) tools that I’ve used this year to move me from shaky ground to solid footing. This 60-minute live presentation will kick off our two-weeks together (you’ll leave feeling pumped about what’s possible!).
You’ll also receive a stunning downloadable Workbook to prompt you through exactly how to start implementing what you learn.
Inspiring audios
Over the next 10 days you’ll receive a daily inspiring audio with practical ways to use these tools. Best thing is - you can listen as many times as you like, whenever you like. It’s going to feel like you’re lit up on the inside again with a practical plan to follow.
Q&A Session
We meet for a Live and interactive Q&A session so you can ask questions, share your realisations, and we’ll party on into 2023
By the end of our two weeks you will:
Be *genuinely* excited
about the possibilities available to you in 2023 (be gone old ways of planning!).
Have experienced an ‘energetic reset’
as you allow yourself to receive and open to new ideas (after holding it all together for so long - this is your chance to be on the receiving end of support and love).
Use your voice powerfully,
especially if you’ve been quiet about things that matter.
Have figured out what your intuition is
and how to use it. (Hello less back and forthing in your head!)
Oh… and you’ll feel lit up again.
Resparked. Reignited. Ready for a rocking 2023. YES PLEASE!
Free Workshop Access:
How to do more of the stuff you want and less of the stuff you don’t.

In this bonus workshop, you’ll learn —
- The genius question to ask yourself when you can’t figure out which things to prioritise and which to let go of. (Crystal clear clarity, coming right up!)
- Why us women find it so hard to disappoint other people and prioritise ourselves (and how to build up your tolerance for saying “no” to Pushy Pam from the P&F!)
- The massively simple technique to instantly reduce your mental load — so that you can see *exactly* what needs doing (and what you can blissfully ignore!).
- The cheeky thing my brother always says that’s actually a life-changing lesson for anyone who’s time-poor and juggling too many balls
- Concrete examples from my own life of the smart swaps and systems I’ve put into place that allow me to reclaim time for myself (even amongst the joyful chaos of solo-parenting 3 kids!)
Valued at $97, yourswith Ready to Reignite

PSSST… for ma ladies in biz!
It’s been quite the year (understatement) and if 2023 is going to feel different, let’s get REAL with ourselves.
The most powerful thing women in business can do is COME TOGETHER and SHARE! With so much smoke and mirrors around what it takes to be successful these days, I’m going to pull down the curtain and share honestly the BTS learnings from my business this year, what I’d do differently and how I’m planning for 2023.
In these live and interactive sessions,
you can expect:
An honest recap on 2022 and the lessons I learnt.
New ideas to inspire you to reassess (or even re-invent) your business in 2023.
An energetic reset for 2023 - 2022 has well and truly pummelled the small business community.
Community and connection from other women who GET IT.
Thursday 24 November
2pm AEDT
Wednesday 7 December
1pm AEDT
*Click above and we’ll add on Ready to Reignite: Business Edition to your cart for $200
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Ready to Reignite
for business
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Don't waste another start of the year feeling MEH, BLAH and DONE.
Start 2023 off right
Join me in Ready to Reignite and let's choose a new story.