Lady, do you constantly feel like you’re running on empty?
You’re not alone. In fact, for many of us, we’ve been tired for so damn long, we’ve forgotten that life can feel any different!
But it doesn’t need to be this way. Here’s my story —
In 2017, I was trying to do everything: run my own business, parent my 3 kids by myself, support my husband with huge health challenges, all while my marriage was falling apart.
I knew I was pushing myself too hard, and that I needed to rest more, but all of a sudden the decision was taken out of my hands.
In short, my body said ‘enough’ and my health took a dive.
I ended up with a laundry list of health problems, including a severe case of shingles — I was out of action for WEEKS.
I knew something needed to give in my life, or else this pattern would just keep playing out.
But I also had a lot of responsibilities that I couldn’t just suddenly drop… so what the heck could I do?!
In the end, I sat down, drew on everything I’d learned from coaching thousands of women over the years, and came up with a series of questions that helped me cut through the noise, get to the heart of what I *truly* wanted, and lay the groundwork to finally end my non-stop tiredness.
If you want to see the questions that turned everything around for me, I’ve put them all into this free workbook, right here.
Tired does NOT have to be your default.

For real. Pop your details in the box below and let’s start turning things around, yeah?

About Lisa Corduff
Hey! I’m Lisa Corduff and I help women just like you to get unstuck and create real and lasting change in their lives using practical mindset strategies (and a stack of inspiration!) Because the world needs more women owning their worth and power, and we weren’t put on this planet to only activate half our potential.
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