Sell without selling out!

Are you having trouble connecting with your ideal clients online?

Have sales in 2018 been...not quite what you hoped for? #understatement

Scared of putting yourself out there, and being seen (even though you KNOW it’s holding you back)?

Or perhaps you’re breathing into a paper bag because a(nother) year has gone by, Christmas is coming, and when your family asks you for an update on “that business idea” - you’ll have to tell them that you STILL haven’t started? #sorrymum

If any of that applies - I’ve got something special for you.

You can’t turn back the clock on this year - but you can make next year ahhhhhmazing (in case you were wondering - that sound is excitement crossed with a sigh of sweet relief).

We might not celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia - but any time is a good time for a sale!


The Keeping Business Real
 Black Friday Super Sale

I’ve packaged up my best resources so that you can start getting seen, and making more sales - without the cringe factor.

And you’ll do all of this with:


strategy and

purpose and


Want to know more?

Here’s something I want you to know.  You don’t have to sell out, to sell. You don’t have to engage in sleazy tactics, or start talking like an infomercial (instead of your good self). It is one hundred percent possible to have a successful business, working from a place of genuinely wanting to connect and help people.

I sit in rooms with people making millions of dollars, and people just starting out in business. They all obsess over the customer experience. They want to offer tonnes of value, and change people’s lives.

The difference is, the people with more zeroes at the end of their launch totals? They also value making money from their endeavours. They truly want to help people, but they also want to pay themselves a salary. They want to participate in a fair exchange with their audiences - they want to give, AND receive. They want their business to be able to KEEP serving people (which it can’t if you don’t make sales, and run yourself dry).

You can do the same. Serve, AND be successful.

Here’s what I’m doing - this Black Friday (so not a thing in a Australia but I’m jumping on the band wagon because I LOVE a sale!) I have put together my best ever business bundle so you can start selling in a way that’s authentic, genuine and predictable (instead of icky and anxiety-ridden).

And to make sure that the bundle is the right fit for your business, and what you need to take it to that next level - I’m giving you a few options (if you’ve been sitting on the edge of jumping into Keeping Video Real - valued at $497 - you’ll definitely like a few of these!).

Ok, here goes...


Marketing Made Simple Ultimate Package

Keeping Video Real (value $497)


The ultimate guide for growing your business with videos that are authentic, engaging - and make sales.

In my signature comprehensive online training program I walk you through my R.E.A.L system for effective video marketing.

It’ll help you move through tech troubles and/or fear of visibility, so you can connect with your audience and sell with ease (whether it’s an on-the-fly Facebook Live or a pre-prepared webinar).

There’s four modules, designed to get you from basic video creation, to confidently selling on screen. We’ll talk about how to record good quality video with nothing but a smartphone, how to ensure your videos are really conveying your message, how to grow your audience - and more.

KVR will set you apart from your competitors teaching you valuable marketing and copywriting hacks that can be applied through all areas of your business.

PLUS A curated selection of Expert Interviews on the Power of Story-telling, Looking Pro and Moving through Visibility Blocks will take you from stabbing in the dark on socials to confident positioning and brand recognition. (Value $800)

Marketing Bundle (value $485)

Not sure about you, but marketing strategies that are super complicated, expensive or time-consuming to implement - it’s (usually) a waste of my time. I have three young kids and a business to run - I need things to be practical and easy!. That’s why I created these marketing trainings. They’re designed so you can start using them - and seeing results! - right away.

In fact, they are embarrassingly simple - so simple that no matter how time poor or not-tech-savvy you are, you’ll be able to start putting things in place faster than Superman on spring cleaning day #damnthatsfast

Get instant access to:

Masterclass Bundle (value $588)

Get access to my very best masterclasses - video resources that have helped hundreds of women gain clarity, increase their revenue and run their business with more ease and flow.

The Ultimate Marketing Jumpstart value is HUGE!

Keeping Video Real $1,297

Marketing Bundle $485

Masterclass Bundle $588



or 3 x monthly payments of $149


Revenue Explosion Package

Join me live for all the inspo, strategy and mindset hacks you’ll need to get 2019 kicked off with a bang. This will be real, raw, practical stories and strategies, for people serious about seeing their business grow next year.

Without doubt 2018 has been the biggest year so far for me personally and professionally. We hit over $600k and the personal growth that has taken to hit that number is not to be sneezed at! Let me share it all with you in bite-sized, easy to apply pieces.

Workshop One (value $197)

Four ways to make more money in 2019 (and how online business is transforming)

Friday 7 December 10am AEDT

This jam-packed workshop will have you rethinking what you currently sell, and load you up with ideas on how to create more revenue next year.

No complicated funnels - just tried and tested, super achievable ways to grow an online business.

We are talking $$$ here. Because it matters. It’s business, right?

Workshop TWO (value $197)

Get set for success - mindset, planning and strategies for online business growth.

Tuesday 11th December 10am AEDT

Let’s set up 2019.

  • How to create a promotions calendar to effectively map out your year - I’ll let you know how we time launches and give you some hard-won tips on when NOT to promote!
  • Discover the essential to-do’s that move a business forward, and the things you can ditch, like, yesterday.
  • We’ll talk strategies for success. Outlining what it takes to become a leader in your field, how to sell and scale an online product and how to outsource effectively.
  • And finally, who are you going to BE in 2019 to make all this happen? I’ll share the four biggest mindset shifts that I’ve made to allow more ease and abundance into my business in 2018.

Two LIVE trainings guaranteed to earn you more money in 2019.

How much is that worth, sister?!

Don’t pay for both - this is a buy one get one free offer!

Not $394



The Full Monty Marketing and Revenue Value Bomb

If you want all.the.things - offer three is where it’s at. All the good stuff from the offers above, bundled together, at a price my business mentor is probably going to kick me for.

Thousands of dollars worth of value, ready to help you make sure that 2019 is your biggest and most transformational year yet.1

And you can get it all - that’s Offer One and Offer Two - for just  


Or 3 monthly payments of $189

The only thing standing between where you are now, and where you want to be is good strategy, a solid mindset, the right tools and techniques...and just putting in the hours (that last part isn’t particularly glam but well, we’re keeping business real). If you start right away - just imagine where you could be this time next year.

Let me help you - offer ends this monday at midnight


OFFER ONE The Ultimate Marketing Jumpstart

Keeping Video Real $,1297
Marketing Bundle $485
Masterclass Bundle $588



OFFER TWO Revenue Explosion Package

Four ways to make more money in 2019 (and how online business is transforming) Workshop (value  $197)

Get set for success - mindset, planning and strategies for online business growth Workshop (value  $197)


for only $497

Or 3 monthly payments of  x $189

Get instant access

Offer 1

  • or 3 x Monthly Payments $149
  • Keeping Video Real
  • Marketing Bundle Trainings
  • Masterclass Bundle Trainings

Offer 2

  • Live Workshop: Four ways to make more money in 2019 (and how online business is transforming)
  • Live Workshop: Get set for success - mindset, planning and strategies for online business growth.

Offer 3

  • or 3 x Monthly Payments $189
  • Keeping Video Real
  • Marketing Bundle Trainings
  • Masterclass Bundle Trainings
  • Live Workshop: Four ways to make more money in 2019 (and how online business is transforming)
  • Live Workshop: Get set for success - mindset, planning and strategies for online business growth.


And I’ve made ALL the mistakes! I’ve cried ALL the tears in this crazy online journey. And I (bizarrely) freaking love it!

I want you to love it too.

The trainings that are part of this bundle will set you up with fabulous information, skills and inspiration to supercharge your online marketing.

They are simple to follow and implement straight away.

I know that sharing numbers can sound wanky, so let me get this over with quick. My business has:



Revenue in 2018



Followers on facebook



Email subscribers



Members in my paid membership program



And I regularly get 25k+ views on my videos.

I hate when people go on about their ‘figures’, but I wanted you to see them so I can tell you the part that actually matters:


My willingness to consistently market online is why I have the business I have today.

The ‘Keeping It Real’ 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to say ‘yes’ to this program and to growing your online business...

That’s why we’ve got our ‘Keeping it Real’ 30-Day Guarantee.

Join now, give the trainings a fair shot, and if — at the end of 30 days — you haven’t seen rapid improvements in your online marketing… we’ll give you your money back.

We’ll even foot any processing fees.

Simply send an email — along with your notes for at least 2 of the training's, so that we know you gave it a go — to my right hand woman, Victoria at, and she’ll process your refund tout de suite.


Questions and answers

Let me help you

(and take advantage of the 30 day risk-free guarantee)


Offer 1

  • or 3 x Monthly Payments $149
  • Keeping Video Real
  • Marketing Bundle Trainings
  • Masterclass Bundle Trainings

Offer 2

  • Live Workshop: Four ways to make more money in 2019 (and how online business is transforming)
  • Live Workshop: Get set for success - mindset, planning and strategies for online business growth.

Offer 3

  • Keeping Video Real
  • Marketing Bundle Trainings
  • Masterclass Bundle Trainings
  • Live Workshop: Four ways to make more money in 2019 (and how online business is transforming)
  • Live Workshop: Get set for success - mindset, planning and strategies for online business growth.

© Lisa Corduff 2018 | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions