

Get simple, DOABLE strategies and support to put yourself back on the priorities list, find time for you, and figure out what actually fills your cup

… all in less than 5 minutes a day.

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Lady, are you OVER feeling:

Like nothing ever recharges your batteries?

Like you just don't have time for yourself?

Like you're 'lazy' whenever you pause to rest?

And like all the bubble baths in the world won't *nourish* you in the way that you're craving?


You’re SO not alone.

So many women struggle to prioritise their own needs.

It's not just that we're overcommitted, wearing a million hats, and have a crap-tonne of things on our to-do list...

It's also that as women, we've been told since FOREVER that our worth is measured by how 'busy' we are and how 'selfish' we can be.

... It's no bloody wonder we don't take time for ourselves!

And it's no wonder that we feel 'guilty' and 'weak' the second we stop to breathe.


When we do finally get time to ourselves, we don't know what to do with it!


"What can I do in this moment to fill my cup?"

Too many of us don’t know the answer to this question.

We know what the “Instagram version” of filling our cup looks like: bubble baths, face masks, yoga at dawn in a designer leotard (ugh)...

And don’t get me wrong — those things can all be lovely (well, except the leotard bit!). But what if those things aren’t ‘it’ for you?

... What if they feel like "just another thing" to jam into your schedule?

... What if you want something heartier, deeper, that feels more real?

... And what if you *literally* don't know how to fill yourself up in the way that you're craving?


In those moments, it's all too easy to fall into a crappy cycle.

We don't know how to give ourselves what we need...

So we resort to half-assed replacements - like our phones, or junk food, or numbing out on Netflix; things that don't actually fills us up (or worse, that actively deplete us)...

... and we end up feeling even more drained than when we started!

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Had enough? Want to step out of the cycle?

What if there was a way to make filling your own cup doable, not demanding?

What if you had a whole kit of tools and rituals to draw on, to give yourself what you're really craving?

And what if it was hugely simple - like "press play on your phone" simple - to figure out what fills you up, to get strategies and ideas for making it happen, and to be reminded that you're so incredibly worth of this?


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This potent audio series shows you how to put yourself back on the priorities list, figure out what fills you up, and make nurturing yourself a regular part of your life... even when time is short, or when *everything* hits the fan.


In less than 5 minutes a day, you’ll feel topped up with inspiration, understanding and genuinely useful ideas. It’s the kind of thing you’ll look forward to listening to each day, and that you’ll find yourself coming back to again and again.

  • It's all audio — listen on your phone at your own pace
  • One track per day for 30 days
  • Takes 2-5 minutes each day
  • Created by a busy woman, with real life in mind (kids! work! tummy bugs!)
  • Small steps and thoughtful strategies to genuinely recharge your batteries

"Super Simple process to access..."

30D30W Testimonial easy access

Powerful cup-filling strategies that are doable (not demanding) and that actually work.

Permission to take time for yourself (& smart techniques for how to find it)

Listen on your phone,
at your own pace.

Less than 5 minutes per day to create real, lasting change

Part practical, part permission slip,
part ‘warm hug in your earbuds’...

Here’s a taste of what we cover:

  • How to become the type of person who honours their own needs (and how embedding this identity shift makes guilt a thing of the past)
  • How to figure out what TRULY fills you up, even if you're convinced that “you don't know what makes you happy”
  • Simple but genius strategies to find time for yourself (especially on those days where you've barely got tow minutes to pee)
  • How to create mini-moments of nurturing, restoring, and grounding throughout your day
  • The powerful cup-filling strategy that's hidden in your underwear drawer
  • How to release that itchy feeling of always needing to be 'busy'
  • simple but profound reframe for when you feel like you've got no choices
  • How something as small as drinking a glass of water can become a powerful ritual for recharging your energy
  • How to build a 'menu' of cup-fillers you can draw on, that will easily and reliably take you from drained to drenched (no matter your mood)
  • Plus so much more

"Found my mojo and got shit done"

"Loved the Start Fresh 'bad morning' track. Found my mojo and got shit done after a terrible phone call had all the feels rising. Thanks for the freebies! I can see these helping so much."

- Bronwyn
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Um, YES, I want to know how to fill my own cup!

With this beautiful series in your toolkit, the next time you've got 5 minutes to yourself, instead of opening up Instagram and scrolling the time away...

... you can press play on an audio track, pop in your earbuds, and intentionally find ways to nurture yourself.

Right now you can get the "ROCKSTAR REMINDERS" (Valued at $29) for FREE



$49 AUD



We're all different. What fills me up might be completely different to what works for you...

So this isn’t about giving you a one-size-fits-all ‘prescription’.

Instead, the aim of this series is to meaningfully shift your headspace and your priorities so that finding opportunities to nurture yourself becomes second nature, and feeling “guilty” and “lazy” are no longer even on your radar.

That said, yes — I’ll definitely be loading you up with simple but genius cup-filling ideas that I’ve gathered over the years and that have made a true difference in my life.

They’re all doable and realistic. (Um, I’m a solo mum of three — realistic is the only way I roll!)

They’re all flexible and adaptable (so you can tailor them to suit you).

And they’re all designed to truly move the needle on how you feel, so that you can stop running on empty all the time, and start feeling like you’re actually, properly replenishing yourself.


"Feeling good already!"

30D30W testimonial

"lots of lightbulbs and ideas spark"

"I love your podcasts and love how you explain things. I listen to you a lot while I'm driving. From what you say, lots of lightbulbs and ideas spark, which somehow always leads to very good things. I find myself more able to help others because of the clarity you provide, which makes me extremely happy!

I can't wait to learn more from you, you're an inspiration Lisa and I don't say that to many people at all!"

- Maria

Knowing how to fill your cup is a game-changer for your headspace, but the benefits go way beyond that...

In a world that preaches productivity and busy-ness, prioritising your own needs is an act of resistance. And it’s time for all of us to join the movement.

This is your chance to subvert the story. To be the example for other women that we’re not just allowed to take time out for ourselves, it’s essential. And to model for your children what it looks like to truly and unconditionally honour your own needs.

We’re not meant to run on empty all the time. 

You deserve more than ‘depleted’ and ‘drained’ as your default.

And one day — maybe soon — pushing yourself without reprieve will stop being sustainable… and start catching up with you.

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This audio series is a roadmap for a new way of being.
It's a pathway to rest, replenishement, and feeling truly alive again.

What are you waiting for? Let's do this





"Pause to think"

"I know I'm not in the same age group as Lisa but this is a program that resonates with older women as well. As women, we tend to be hard on ourselves even when our kids are grown up because now we want to be the "perfect" grandmother but Lisa's daily reminders have been easy to listen to and give me pause to think about things."

- Bronwyn